Hello friends! Are you stuck in a spiritual rut? Are you focusing more on what you physically see then what is being spiritually revealed? Are you consumed with what your supposed todo today? Are you finding that despite being home you are more busy? Are you scared that if you find out who God says you are it won’t be who you planned to be?
Yeah me too.
I am going to share a story about a simple girl who wanted adventure but didn’t see herself as worthy or ready and refused to open the door. This girl prayed daily “Lord I want adventure, send me into the world. ” But when an idea or a revelation came knocking on her door she ran and hid. Much like Saul when he was about to be appointed king over Israel.
1 Samuel 10:22 MSG; Samuel went back to God: “Is he anywhere around?” God said, “Yes, he’s right over there— hidden in the pile of baggage.”
Let’s mediate on this scripture for a moment. What stands out to you?
Two points stand out to me: First, God is near and can see us where we are at. Whether we are at the beginning of something the middle or the end, He see’s us. Second, Saul chose to hid among the baggage. Rather than being close to God in the unknown he defaulted to the comfort of sitting among the baggage.
I more often than not feel like my totally fictional character above. I tend to impersonate Saul rather than David.
Psalm 23
David knew his God and knew how much He cared for him. He didn’t need to be comfortable to be safe.
Why does it seem easier to hide in our baggage? Because we forget who our God is and think it takes our strength to go down the road of adventure. When God called Moses to lead the people out of Egypt He said “I AM WHO I AM”.
GOD is capable, He is near, and He is inviting you in to something special today.
Today I wonder what is blocking you from letting God reveal a door or take you outside, away form the baggage? Are you holding onto a concept of who you think you should be? A word the defines you? A past mistake? Fear of screwing up your entire life based on one moment with the Lord?
Let me set you free today with a few words that have been shared with me in the past. “You are not that powerful”. I am going to say that again, “You are not that powerful.”
Today I charge you to look deeper. Sit with God a little longer. Journal: What you hear, think, and see. Step away form the baggage. Allow God to take you into the new thing or on the adventure. I know its scary but God is I AM and will guide you along still water and through the valley of death.
No matter where you find yourself today I know God has immeasurably more to share with you.